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Floor Design and Ideas Photo Gallery

This Gallery presents examples, photos of the wood and stone floors created by Czar Floors. Satisfied customers submitted many photos. This page is an excellent place to start getting ideas on the floor design, floor elements, and features.We can customize any flooring to fit your unique needs. Learn more about our Custom Work, and how to start a Custom Floor Design Process. More photos are available on our Instagram.

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ID:57; Gorgeous combination of artistic MX10 parquet surrounded by B6 border and M2 parquet ID:55; P11 Medallion in the Lobby ID:35; Intricate MX3 parquet nicely matches with B8 border and M13 parquet tiles
ID:30; P5 Medallion makes a great focal point in the plank floor ID:29; P4 Medallion surrounded by MX6 Artistic Parquet ID:26; MX11 is perfect for  the contemporary design room.
ID:21; M20 parquet and B11 border. This beautiful floor changes pattern as you look from different angles ID:19; Room w/ Polar Coordinates pattern ID:17; M9 parquet and B6 border
ID:16; B6 border with Fingerblock pattern parquet M29 ID:15; B6 border and M21 parquet ID:14; B5 border
B5 border #14 ©
ID:13; M2 parquet and B4 border ID:11; Room w/ custom Oriental design. Entire room floor was prefabricated and assembled on site. ID:9; Hallway w/ P11 medallion
ID:8; P11 medallion ID:7; MX9 parquet and P3 medallion ID:5; Customized MX10 parquet
ID:4; Room w/ MX9 pattern ID:3; MX9 parquet ID:2; MX1 parquet
ID:1; M21 parquet and B6 border
Architectural Drawings Installation Photos